Almost a century of history… the history of LTG
All beginnings are difficult
Dr. Albert Klein founded the “Cärrier Lufttechnische Gesellschaft Dr.-Ing. Albert Klein” as a sole proprietorship on October 11, 1924. The first office in Stuttgart’s Jägerstrasse was dedicated to the planning of air conditioning systems. Klein traveled undeterred to bring air conditioning, which was largely unknown in Europe and considered superfluous, to the entrepreneur. He found his first customers in areas where a uniform climate led to savings in production costs: in the automotive, tobacco, shoe, porcelain and later textile industries.
First growth
The premises in Jägerstrasse soon became too small, so the company moved to Lange Strasse in 1927, where there was even space for a small test laboratory. The good order situation soon prompted another move: From 1930, the company, now operating as a limited company, was located in Archivstraße. LTG was already supplying quite large systems for its industrial customers at that time, but was not yet manufacturing the components itself. Hermann Remmele GmbH in Zuffenhausen, which was later taken over, provided fitters for installation at the end customer’s premises.
Start of own production
Initially, the individual system components came from Carrier in England and the USA, and later also from Remmele. When the Stuttgart city council rezoned the Remmele site, which had been taken over in the meantime, into a residential area in 1937, LTG production had to move. Klein bought the site in Wernerstrasse and built his own factory there. At the beginning of 1939, the company, which now had 180 employees, moved into the factory with its own sheet metal processing and metalworking shop. At that time, large parts such as fans, radiators and coolers were mainly supplied by companies based in Saxony.

The LTG in the Third Reich
Before the start of the war, the LTG office moved to the Wilhelmsbau. In 1943, the company management moved it to Weil der Stadt to a small gold strip and curtain rail factory and built a bunker there for the employees and the important documents and plans to protect them from bombing raids. After the end of the war, not only LTG benefited from this foresight, but also many companies and cities whose plans for supply and disposal lines were stored here. Among the industrial customers from all over Europe were big names from the paper and chemical industries in addition to the core sectors. However, the comfort air conditioning business area also grew with orders for the air conditioning of film studios, cinemas, theaters, hospitals and office buildings.

Reconstruction and expansion of production
After the war, the workforce, which had shrunk to 57 employees, returned to its own site in Wernerstrasse. As many of LTG’s former suppliers were located in East Germany (behind the Iron Curtain), LTG began to develop and produce its own components. After the currency reform, the reconstruction of destroyed plants, the construction of new factories and administration buildings, department stores, theaters and ships led to a steep upward trend for LTG. At the beginning of the 1950s, the now self-evident worldwide export of process and comfort air conditioning also began. The office was initially housed in a former prisoner-of-war barracks on what is now Dr.-Albert-Klein-Straße, which had to be extended twice over the years. In 1959, the company moved into the first phase of the new administration building in Wernerstrasse and the constant shortage of office space became a thing of the past.
Brisk construction activity
Construction continued in the 1970s: in 1971, the foundation stone for the engineering services division was laid in Zuffenhausen with the construction of the test and development center. In 1970, a plot of land in Weil der Stadt was also purchased to relieve the burden on the parent company, and a year later the plant for series production of the LTG component range was put into operation. The plant was expanded just four years later and again in the 1980s. LTG expanded its product range in 1978 with the tangential fans of the former Heinkel Apparatebau. Between 1986 and 1987, LTG also built a new building in Zuffenhausen as part of an expansion – the current building in Grenzstrasse. 7 – for research/development/testing. LTG Projektservice was founded in 1993 as the forerunner of today’s LTG Ingenieur-Dienstleistungen.

The former LTG Lufttechnische GmbH was restructured in 1997 and the previous divisions were converted into independent limited companies. This also included Lufttechnische Komponenten GmbH (Comfort Air Technology) and Air Engineering Products GmbH (Process Air Technology). Since 1999, LTG has been structured as a public limited company, which reunites the two GmbHs. LTG expanded its centrifugal fan portfolio with the takeover of the Schroeter ILA GmbH fan range in 2001.
In the spirit of its charitable founding father, LTG became involved through foundations. For thirty years from 1960 onwards, the Dr. Albert Klein Foundation supported cultural donations such as the painting by Edvard Munch “Nude Girl on Red Cloth” for the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Since 1984, the Dr. Albert Klein Foundation has been promoting research and science in the field of Comfort Air Technology.