Drum filter TF

The LTG TFB drum filter is used for fine filtration of dust in larger air volumes. The unit consisting of drum filter TFB and pre-filter TVM is referred to as TFC and filters coarser particles such as fibers from the primary air flow in addition to dust. In contrast to the LTG Compact Drum Filter, the TFB drum filter consists of just one large filter drum, the length of which can be varied on a modular basis. The air flows through this fixed filter drum from the inside to the outside and is continuously extracted by suction nozzles that touch the drum. To extract the entire filter surface, the nozzles perform a rotational and a superimposed translational movement. The separated and extracted dust is then fed to a separator by a conveying fan in the secondary circuit. All functional components and drive parts are located in the housing on the clean gas side, which benefits reliability and functional safety.

The automatic, internally pressurized drum filter TFB / TFC meets the essential practical requirements in an extremely high air volume range of 20,000 to 270,000 m³/h:

  • High filtration performance
  • High air permeability
  • Precise adaptation to the application, e.g. through modular design
  • Low-maintenance operation

LTG drum filters have been proving their worth for years as low-maintenance fine filter units in a wide range of industrial sectors. A long tradition and robust design guarantee maximum reliability, safety and availability. They offer the following advantages:

  • Lower moving masses compared to systems with rotating drum
  • Clean filter chamber and installation in production rooms possible thanks to air routing from the inside to the outside
  • Drive easily accessible on the clean air side
  • Regenerative filter unit
  • Continuous cleaning, therefore no pressure fluctuations in the system
  • Cleaning in the low pressure range
  • Precise adjustment to total air volume thanks to modular design
  • Space-saving thanks to integrated pre-filter disk
  • No dust deposits between pre-filter and filter drum
  • Energy-saving operation due to low pressure losses
  • No sealing problems, no need to seal rotating parts between dust and clean air side or drum and wall
  • Compact, easy to install and maintain skeleton construction
  • Various tried and tested filter media with high dust removal efficiency, relatively low resistance and long service life
  • Low energy consumption of the extraction fan due to low air requirement of the small extraction nozzles
  • Various filter media for the pre-filter to adjust the filter effect
  • Filter chamber is accessible during operation for inspection purposes, no need to switch off
  • Antistatic version available

Ready for a breath of fresh air? Contact our process air experts now and breathe easy – literally!

Technical data

TypeConveying Media Temperature [°C]Filter Surface [m²]Diameter of Filter Disc [mm]Air Volume [m/h]Motor Output [kW]
TFB 15+5 to +606 - 191 50080 0000,37
TFB 20+5 to +6016 - 322 000140 0000,37
TFB 25+5 to +6021 - 522 500224 0000,37
TFB 30+5 to +6025 - 633 000270 0000,37
TFC 20+5 to +6016 - 242 00070 0000,37
TFC 25+5 to +6021 - 522 500135 0000,37


Technical brochure drum filter TFB-TFC German
