Schools and daycare centers | FVS

Schools and daycare centers | FVS
Decentralized ventilation units from the FVS Eco2School series for Exposed mounting, ceiling or wall installation in classrooms. Supply and exhaust air with efficient heat recovery. The FVS 600 and FVS 1000 school ventilation units from the LTG Eco2Schoolseries have been used for years by numerous schools, daycare centers and educational institutions for decentralized ventilation. In addition to a pleasant indoor climate, Eco2School ventilation units guarantee an optimum learning environment and maximum protection against infection thanks to 100% fresh air. Naturally in compliance with all relevant guidelines, including VDI (e.g. VDI 6022, VDI 6040) and UBA. The LTG FVS series offers maximum flexibility in planning, usable space design and installation thanks to installation on the wall or ceiling - with or without cladding - and the modular device design. This makes the appliances ideal for new builds and renovations. High energy efficiency and heat recovery are guaranteed by our innovative technology, even with a fresh air supply of up to 990 m³/h. Talk to us. Our sales engineers will advise you with comprehensive know-how and planning aids in the development of a ventilation concept for your (class) rooms. +49 (0) 711 8201 -340,

Our variety of Schools and daycare centers | FVS

Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-900/S Eco2School ceiling installation
Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-900/DI Eco2School ceiling installation
Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-900 Eco2School wall installation
Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-600 Eco2School wall installation
Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-1000 Eco2School ceiling installation
Decentralized school ventilation unit FVS-600 Eco2School ceiling installation